Welcome to the Home of the Harpers Brook Group of Anglican Churches

Serving the villages of Little Stanion, Stanion, Brigstock, Sudborough and Lowick

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St Andrews Brigstock

  St Andrews Church Brigstock

Church Warden: Mr Carl Hector   Tel: 01536 373410 

St Andrews Church meets in an historic building in the middle if the village of Brigstock. The services use a form of contemporary Anglican liturgy, and are usually Holly Communion with a variety of hymns/songs accompanying the worship.

With regards to the building the most interesting feature is that of a rare and intact Tower dating from the Saxon era. Below are our regular service details and our forthcoming special events.

Regular Services

Second Sunday of each month @ 10am - Holy Communion based on Church of England Common Worship with hymns/songs to accompany the liturgy. All are welcome to our services, and if you are not used to taking communion you may come forward for a simple blessing or remain seated during the sharing of bread and wine. 

Every Thursday @ 10am - Holy Communion as above with a very relaxed and more laid back 'midweek feel'.

Fifth Sunday in a month - As advertised. Whenever there is a fifth Sunday in the month we join with our other local Churches for worship. This varies in content and venue and is advertised accordingly. 

Other Events and Activities

Staurday 7th Septemeber - The Church will have a stall at the Brigstock Beer Festival





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