Church Warden: Mr David Lafferty Tel:Email: Tel: 01536 200175
St Peters is a warm-natured friendly Church, meeting in a historic building in the village of Stanion. It serves the people of Stanion and nearby Little Stanion. The building is currently in the planning process of a re-ordering, in order to provide toilet and servery faciities, as well as better heating and a more flexible space. St Peters is a growing congregation. See below for our regular services and special services and events.
Regular Services
First Sunday every month @ 11am - Holy Communion Service using a contemporary Anglican Liturgy (Common Worship) with a variety of music and hymns/songs. (The service is also suitable for those who do not wish to take Communion. You may either come forward to receive a simple blessing, or remain in your seat as the bread and wine is shared, as some do). Good refreshments are served too.
Third Sunday every month @ 11.30 am - All Ages Service in a very relaxed style. Music, story, hymns/songs, crafts and any other activities as relevant. 'Respectful fun with a meaning' is one way the service has been described and 'this really is suitable for all ages' is another comment. There is a real community feel about this service, and whatever age or level of faith you will be given a very warm welcome. Complementary refreshments served.
Fifth Sunday in a month - As advertised. Whenever there is a fifth Sunday in the month we join with our other local Churches for worship. This varies in content and venue (e.g. we have done summer ones outdoors).
Other Upcoming Activities
Below are some forthcoming events
Candlemas Holy Communion 11am Sunday February 2nd
Lent and Easter details will follow soon